Getting Their Best
Performance improvement at crisis centers
Workshop by Hollis Easter
National Association of Crisis Center Directors annual conference
Rochester NY, 2013 October 19
PowerPoint slides
PDF of PowerPoint slides: NASCOD2013-GettingTheirBest
- Finding the perfect balance: how much multimedia is best?
- Involuntary hospitalization:
- Strength in numbers:
Workshop objectives
Participants will learn:
- How to look at performance problems, assess gaps, find causes, and propose solutions.
- When to choose training and when to omit it.
- Some principles of instructional design, performance improvement, and adult learning.
Workshop description
“Why are they still doing that?” Ever asked that question? Training is essential for good performance at crisis centers, but we often rely on training or re-training to fix all kinds of performance problems—and are surprised when the problems persist.
In this workshop, we’ll look at why training often fails and talk about how to build it toward success. More broadly, though, we’ll use the performance improvement model to examine a host of crisis center issues (including those shared by participants) and look at the wide variety of performance interventions that go beyond training. You’ll leave with a new framework for looking at hotline performance and a sharpened sense of what training can accomplish, what it can’t, and how to tell the difference.
Presenter biography
Hollis Easter has worked in crisis centers for the last 20 years. He recruits, trains, and supervises the volunteer corps at Reachout in northern NY, and he’s also active in teaching suicide intervention. He served for four years on Contact USA’s national board and was a founding member of New York’s Suicide Intervention Skills Training Consortium.
He holds a Master’s degree in instructional design and technology with certification in training and performance improvement, and he has developed or consulted on many training programs, conferences, and workshops around the country.
In 2011, the professional organization for instructional designers honored him with its award for Outstanding Practice by a Graduate Student in Instructional Design, and he received New York State Office of Mental Health’s Excellence in Suicide Prevention Award in 2012.
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